Prof. David Rueda (Imperial College London)
Prof. Nynke Dekker (TU Delft)
This meeting aims to explore the dynamics and mechanics of fundamental biological processes at the single-molecule level (e.g. DNA- or RNA-protein interactions, protein-protein interactions, molecular motors, membrane biophysics, etc.). Experiments that control and probe physical parameters such as force, torque, stochasticity, and thermal fluctuations play a major role in understanding biology at this scale. New techniques that enable new assays in this field will also be presented.
During this meeting, the attendees are invited to share their latest (unpublished) work in their field. The format of the meeting is based on that of the bi-annual Single Molecule Biophysics meeting in Aspen (CO, USA), where participants are selected based on their abstract. All participants present their work with a poster and/or, when selected, with a short talk.
Beautifully set with a view on the Mont Blanc Massive, the École de Physique can accommodate 70 participants; PIs, PostDocs, and PhD students are welcome to submit an abstract before Monday October 2, 2023 at 23:59 CEST. All participants are expected to attend the entire meeting (Sunday evening until Friday afternoon). Before Monday, October 16, 2023 you will get to hear whether your abstract has been accepted.
The cost of the meeting is 540€ (tax included). This fee includes registration and on-site meals and accommodation (70 participants).
Participants should pay the Ecole de Physique directly upon arrival.
To pay in advance (e.g., with a Purchase Order), please contact the Ecole directly at houches-secretariat@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Image credit: eGuide Travel
Les Houches, France